Publication name Revue Akofena
Akofena, n°5 – varia
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 25/12/2021
- Keywords
- Communication
- information
Publication name Revue Akofena
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 25/12/2021
Event type colloque-2
Event dates 12/07/2021
Publication name Communication & professionnalisation - n°12 (2021)
Publication type numero-revue
Event type colloque
Event dates 16/12/2021
Expected response for the 30/09/2021
Event type seminaire-2
Event dates 19/03/2021 or 02/04/2021
Publication name Hermès
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/03/2021
Event type colloque
Event dates 10/06/2021
Expected response for the 09/04/2021
Publication name Approches Théoriques en Information Communication (ATIC)
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 20/04/2021
Publication name Revue Numerev
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 15/03/2021
Publication name Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle
Expected contribution type Ouvrage
Expected response for the 01/06/2021
Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle lance un nouvel appel à publications....
Event type colloque
Event dates 03/06/2021
Expected response for the 25/01/2020