Publication name Communication et Organisation
La santé au prisme de la communication organisationnelle
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 20/06/2022
Publication name Communication et Organisation
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 20/06/2022
Publication name Communication
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 15/08/2022
Publication name Recherches en communication
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/09/2022
Announcement type bourse-recherche
Expected response for the 20/06/2022
Event type colloque-2
Event dates 26/05/2022
Publication name Émulations
Expected contribution type coordination-de-dossier
Expected response for the 15/06/2022
La revue Émulations lance un appel à coordination d'un numéro thématique....
Announcement type bourse-recherche
Expected response for the 31/05/2022
Announcement type bourse-recherche
Expected response for the 30/09/2022
Appel à candidature pour une bourse de séjour de recherche en Suisse. ...
Announcement type emploi
Expected response for the 15/06/2022
L'ISTC recrute un enseignant-chercheur (H/F) en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication....
Announcement type bourse-recherche
Expected response for the 30/05/2022