Usages des dispositifs médicaux et approches centrées patients.
Announcement type emploi
Expected response for the 02/12/2022
- Keywords
- Digital
- Participation
- Health
Announcement type emploi
Expected response for the 02/12/2022
Event type colloque
Event dates 23/11/2023
Expected response for the 15/12/2022
Announcement type bourse-recherche
Expected response for the 25/09/2022
Publication name Approches théoriques en information communication - n°n°4
Publication type numero-revue
Publication name Sciences du design
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 07/10/2022
Publication name Design Arts Médias (DAM)
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 25/05/2022
Announcement type bourse-recherche
Expected response for the 31/05/2022
Publication name Estudos Semioticos
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 31/07/2022
Event type seminaire-2
Event dates 20/05/2022
Event type journee-etude
Event dates 14/10/2022
Expected response for the 15/07/2022