Publication name SEMEN
Approches discursives des mèmes en politique
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 15/09/2022
Publication name SEMEN
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 15/09/2022
Publication name Revue Française des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 30/06/2022
Publication name Études de communication
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 30/06/2022
Publication name Études Digitales
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 30/04/2022
Publication name Nouvelle Revue du Travail
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 10/06/2022
Event type colloque
Event dates 17/10/2022
Expected response for the 28/03/2022
Event type colloque
Event dates 17/11/2022
Expected response for the 30/04/2022
Event type colloque
Event dates 29/06/2022
Expected response for the 27/02/2022
Publication name Norois
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 28/02/2022
Publication name Revue Études de communication - n°56
Publication type actes