Prix jeune chercheur francophone en SIC – Appel 2020
Announcement type prix
Expected response for the 31/03/2020
Announcement type prix
Expected response for the 31/03/2020
Event type colloque
Event dates 04/06/2020
Expected response for the 20/02/2020
Publication name Revue Française des Méthodes Visuelles -
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 29/02/2020
Publication name Communication & Langages - n°202
Publication type numero-revue
Event type colloque
Event dates 07/05/2020
Expected response for the 20/02/2020
Publication name Recherches en communication
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 28/02/2020
Publication name Communication et professionnalisation
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 26/03/2020
Event type colloque
Event dates 26/11/2020
Expected response for the 28/02/2020
Event type colloque
Event dates 28/09/2020
Expected response for the 15/03/2020
Publication name Communication et Organisation
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/03/2020
Event type colloque
Event dates 28/09/2020
Expected response for the 15/03/2020