ICA France Chapter 2024

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Type d’événement Colloque


Dates de l’événement
  • Le

Lieu de l’événement Campus Portes du Jura, Montbéliard , France

Couverture ICA France Chapter

The philosophy of the ICA France Chapter is to introduce to French PhDs students and post-doctoral researchers to scholars from other ICA Regional Chapters and the academic communities to which they belong, intending to develop intercultural activities and research, cross-cultural PhDs or postdoctoral opportunities.

The kickoff event takes place in Montbéliard, hosted by ELLIADD Research Unit (University of Franche-Comté & Université of Technology Belfort-Montbéliard), one of the 4 Research Units managing the ICA France Chapter with CIMEOS (Burgundy University), CRESAT (University of Haute-Alsace) and CREM (University of Lorraine). Two thrilling topics drive the event : The challenges of the digitalization in health, environment, organization, and knowledge mediation and Crisis Communication.


Meeting ID : 322 068 958 546 ; Code : irxxaK


08.30-09.00 Welcome of Participants

09.00-09.40 Welcome words

Daniel RAICHVARG (SFSIC Honorary President, Ghislain MONTAVON (UTBM Vice-President), Hughes DAUSSY (UFC Vice-President), Pascal LECROART (ELLIADD Director), Egon OSTROSI (ELLIADD Deputy Director), Federico TAJARIOL (ELLIADD, President of ICA France Chapter).

09.40-10.00 Introductory speech : Noshir CONTRACTOR (ICA board), ICA Regional Chapters, moderator : Daniel RAICHVARG

10.00-10.40 Guest speaker : Claes de VREESE, (ICA board), AI and Society, moderator : Federico TAJARIOL.

10.40-10.50 Q&A time

10.50-11.15 Coffee & Tea break

11.15-11.45 Overseas Young Researchers Experiences, Round table : Stéphane DJAHANCHAHI (Lab. CIMEOS), Sébastien MORT (CREM), moderator : Carsten WILHELM (CRESAT, former VP International Relations SFSIC), past overseas student

11.45-12.00 ICA Indonesia Chapter : Dorien KARTIKAWANGI (Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta) : An overview of Indonesian Community of Researchers in Communication Sciences, moderator : Angeliki MONNIER, CREM Director).

*** 12.00-13.30 Lunch time

13.30-13.35 : Introduction to the afternoon : Zhao HUANG (DICEN, Nanterre University) and Allan DENEUVILLE (MICA, Bordeaux. Montaigne University), VPs International Relations SFSIC.

13.35-14.35 : Carte Blanche to ELLIADD : Communication and Design through Virtual Reality

14.35-14.55 : Dorien KARTIKAWANGI (Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta) : Crisis Communication : the case of natural disasters, moderator : Olivier GALIBERT (CIMEOS Director).

14.55-15.05 : Q&A time

15.05-16.10 : The challenges of the digitalization in health, environment, organization, and knowledge mediation & Crisis Communication.

moderators : Zhao HUANG and Allan DENEUVILLE (VPs International Relations SFSIC).

– Marie-Lou TROUTIER (CIMEOS PhD student), Online interactions and symbolic recognition : An analysis of the use of digital social worlds by autistic people (advisor : Olivier GALIBERT)

– Juliana FRAGA (CIMEOS PhD student), The weak signals : how to prepare for the storm ? Crisis communication via X/Twitter (advisors : Gilles BRACHOTTE)

– Pénélope SELHAUSEN-KOSINSKI (CREM Ph D student), Media coverage facing uncertain science in a liquid time(advisor : Stéphane DUFOUR).

16.10-16.25 : Q&A time

16.25-16.40 : Conclusion & Ending Words : Claes de VREESE (ICA board), Pascal LECROART (ELLIADD Director), Egon OSTROSI (ELLIADD Deputy Director), moderator : Daniel RAICHVARG (SFSIC Honorary President).

For further information, feel free to contact Daniel RAICHVARG (daniel.raichvarg@u-bourgogne.fr), and Federico TAJARIOL (federico.tajariol@univ-fcomte.fr).
