Publication name Réseaux - n°2022/1 (N° 231)
Critiques numériques
Publication type numero-revue
- Keywords
- Digital
Publication name Réseaux - n°2022/1 (N° 231)
Publication type numero-revue
Publication type actes
Event type journee-etude-2
Event dates 04/02/2022
Event type journee-etude
Event dates 13/06/2022
Expected response for the 15/02/2022
Publication name Radiomorphoses
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 30/04/2022
Event type colloque
Event dates 22/08/2022
Expected response for the 25/04/2022
Publication name Communication & Management
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/07/2022
Event type colloque
Event dates 28/06/2022
Expected response for the 18/03/2022
Publication name Humanités numériques
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/06/2022
Event type colloque
Event dates 26/10/2022
Expected response for the 21/05/2022
Publication name Intelligibilité du numérique
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 06/03/2022