Future Communications: Rethinking Societies, Cultures and Governance

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Expected response for the 28/02/2024

Response type Résumé

Event type colloque

Event dates
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Event place Pondicherry University, Puducherry , India

Un appel à contributions intitulé « Future Communications: Rethinking Societies, Cultures and Governance » est ouvert dans le cadre de la prochaine conférence internationale à Puducherry en Inde du 08 au 10 avril 2024.


The conference will explore a wide array of themes, ranging from art and culture, education, environment, health and the spiritual, media, information, and communication to social movements and activism, and sports. These themes are designed to encourage multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches and foster discussions on the intersections of media and communication with various aspects of contemporary society.

The fields of inquiry include but are not limited to the following

Art and culture

  • Body, affect and embodiment
  • Technology transforming artistic practices
  • Aesthetic hybrids
  • Cultural industries/creative industries
  • Transmedia
  • Digital art


  • Communication in education
  • Clobalization of education
  • Interculturality
  • Inclusivity
  • E-learning
  • MOOCs and online education


  • Rethinking nature, culture and the environment
  • Circular economy and communication strategies
  • Blockchain for environmental accountability
  • Creen technologies and communication
  • Climate change communication
  • Smart solutions for sustainable cities
  • Environmental monitoring and big data analytics

Health and the spiritual

  • Political economy of health, welfare and development
  • Patient engagement and empowerment through digital communication tools
  • Art and creativity as expressions of spiritual healing
  • Integrating spirituality with health and human development
  • Sustainable healthcare environmental ethics and spiritual values
  • Integrating technology into public health communication


  • Blockchain for sports integrity
  • Global accessibility inclusivity
  • Impact of 5G technology on sports communication
  • lntegration of lnternet of Things (loT)
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) for immersive fan experiences

Media, information and communication

  • Media literacy in the digital age
  • “Post-truth” and its impact on public trust
  • Political economy of media and communication Blockchain in combating misinformation and fake news
  • Digital cultures and transitions
  • Cultural politics of information
  • Cybersecurity in media
  • Media in the age of AI and automation
  • Data journalism and information visualization
  • Conflict resolution and interpersonal communication
  • Mindfulness and communication practices
  • Emotional intelligence and interpersonal communication
  • Self-reflection and intrapersonal communication

Social movements and activism

  • (Un)mediating social change
  • Citizens, participation and representation
  • New forms of activism
  • Feminism and communication
  • Queer, queerness and alternative sexualities
  • Race, ethnicity, colonialism and coloniality
  • Governance and sustainable societies

Call for papers

We invite empirical, conceptual and critical research from various perspectives on communication and media studies in contemporary society.
lnter/multidisciplinary approaches to theoretical, methodological and philosophical inquiries with new and alternative imaginaries of sustainability, peace, hope and resilience are welcome.
The call for papers encourages explorations into the socio-cultural transformations evolving alongside media and communication practices and concepts.
We live in an increasingly individual-centred era marked by an existential fragility that affects all aspects of our lives and invites us to strongly rethink our agency, representations, affiliations, capacities, and horizons.
ln addition to the military conflicts that are proliferating and the concerns about the economic, cultural and community fragmentation of hyper-modern societies and emerging continents, the rampant presence of micro-compromises due to the absence of meaningful and ethical communication is an area that this conference strives to highlight through creative and innovative as well as path-breaking work of scholars.
Our societies are to a large extent organised as production machines, whereas human beings are spiritual and creative beings, thereby creating a mismatch.

This conference, therefore, also wants to explore how we can organise communities in ways that make people thrive by rethinking our direction towards sustainability, our connection to nature, our new orientations imbued with the old, and changing global politics, communities and societies, governance and economies.
At the heart of these transitions, the practices, methods, theories and philosophies of media and communication play a crucial role in the discourse of sustainability, and in how individuals, societies, cultures, media and the state intersect.
Further, the prevalence of intrapersonal and interpersonal communication and its expression through mass media has not received much attention in the media and communication academic community.
A thorough investigation and discourse on this means the possibility of rethinking our lifestyles, our new orientations imbued with the old, and changing global politics, communities and societies, governance and economies.
We are interested in the links between imaginaries and paradoxes about media and communication in the past, present and future, as well as the particularities of contemporary communication and its future imaginaries. What new visions of the future can we promote? Participants are invited to submit papers on communication practices related to the above questions and debates.

Important dates

  • Last date for submission of registration form with abstract: 28 February 2024
  • Notification of acceptance of abstract: 7 March 2024
  • Last date for submitting the registration fee: 18 March 2024
  • Last date for submission of presentation slides: 2 April 2024
  • Last date for submission of full-text paper: 2 September 2024*

* Paper submission extension is provided to fortify publication standards.

Announcement of peer-review, abstract, and conference management link will be made on 14 February 2024.

For more updates, visit : https://sites.google.com/pondiuni.ac.in/futurecommunications

Guideline for paper submission


  • The abstract should be in the following order: Title, Author (s) name and Affiliation, Abstract, and Keywords.
  • Abstract (not more than 600 words) must contain a brief introduction, objective of the research, methodology, results, and conclusion.
  • All abstracts are to be submitted along with the registration form :


For any assistance, contact us : demmc.conf@pondiuni.ac.in

Presentation Slides

After receiving a notification of acceptance of the abstract, you are required to submit your paper presentation in the form of a slide deck of a maximum of TEN slides to support your oral presentation maximum of SEVEN minutes.
Name the slide deck as follows : Your full name-Title of paper
The subject of your email should as follows : Slide deck-Your full name

Attach your slide deck to an email and send it to the conference organisers by 2 April 2024 to : demmc.conf@pondiuni.ac.in

Instruction to presenters

Your paper presentation/slide decks should be for maximum seven minutes. Three minutes are given for questions from participants.
Maximum ten minutes for each presenter

Full research article

  • The research paper should be structured in the following sequence: Title – Author{s) Name and Affiliation – Abstract – Keywords – Main Text {Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Analysis and Findings, Conclusion, Limitations, and References) – Acknowledgements (if applicable).
  • The full paper should be around 7000-8000 words including tables and references. The final length of the paper, if it is eligible to be published in one of the journals the conference collaborates with, will depend on journal’s guidelines.
  • The article should be in Times New Roman 12 font, single-spaced; left/right-justified;
  • Bold topic headings with no space between heading and paragraph including title, abstract, and author’s name/s; two spaces between the author·s name/s and abstract. italicised subheadings (no numbers).
  • Keywords should be italicized with the three(or more) key phrases.
  • Follow APA 7th edition format for references/bibliographies, which should be single-spaced.
  • Submit the research article in Microsoft Word and PDF.
  • The corresponding author should give a copyright declaration stating that the work is original and does not violate the rule of copyright.
  • All full papers submitted will be subject to a blind review process. Comments of the reviewers will be sent to the author(s).
  • All selected abstracts will be published in the conference souvenir. The accepted papers will also be considered for publication in the special issues of the selected journals, including Scopus indexed journals.

Publication opportunities

Accepted papers will be subject to a blind review process and considered for publication in reputable journals such as Communication and Culture Review; Journal of Communication, Language and Culture; and Journal of Extreme Anthropology. This ensures that the scholarly contributions presented at the conference have the potential to make a lasting impact on the academic community.
The organisers will publish papers from the conference after they are peer-reviewed and implement revisions, if any, to conform to a high standard for publication.

The selected journals include but are not limited to:

Communication and Culture Review (lSSN: 2582-2829) – a peer-reviewed, bi- annual international journal that engages with realities, issues and ideas within the broad rubric of communication and culture studies. Breaking away from the strait- jacketed disciplinary canons, the journal aims to interweave communication with strands of cultural, sociological, anthropological, performative, computational, political, philosophical, linguistic, political economy and other interdisciplinary approaches in examining a wide range of mediatised and mediated phenomena. Communication and Culture Review is published by the Department of Electronic Media and Mass Communication, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, lndia.

Journal of Communication, Language and Culture (elSSN: 2805-444X) – an open-access academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages both emerging and established scholars from around the world. JCLC is a multidisciplinary journal that is centred on communication, language and culture and is open and welcoming to  contributions from the many disciplines and approaches in these disciplines. Journal of Communication, Language and Culture is published by the Faculty of Applied Communication, Multimedia University, Malaysia.

Journal of Extreme Anthropology (lSSN: 2535-3241) – an international, peer- reviewed, interdisciplinary, open-access and indexed journal (DoAJ) that publishes articles written in the fields of anthropology, social sciences, humanities, philosophy and critical theory focusing in particular on extreme subjects, practices and theory. Journal of Extreme Anthropology is published by osloMet, Norway.

Organising Committee

Department of Electronic Media and Mass Communication,
School of Media and Communication, Pondicherry University, lndia

Dr. S. Arulselvan, Professor

Dr. M. Shuaib Mohamed Haneef, Professor Dr. D. Nivedhitha, Associate Professor

Dr. S. Anand Lenin Vethanayagam, Reader Dr. T. Balasaravanan, Associate Professor Dr. V. Santhi Siri, Associate Professor

Dr. Samarjit Kachari, Assistant Professor Mr. Muthamil, Assistant Professor

University of Toulon, France

Philippe Bonfils, Professor

Anne Cagnebien, Assistant Professor

Hervé Zénouda, Assistant Professor

Billel Aroufoune, Assistant Professor

Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Kristin Reichborn-Kjennerud, Research Professor

Tereza Kuldova, Research Professor

Multimedia University, Malaysia

Prof. Mokhtarrudin Ahmad, Dean, Faculty of Applied Communication

Dr. Kavitha Balakrishnan, Deputy Dean, Research and lndustrial Collaboration

Auroville lnternational Township, Tamilnadu, lndia

Lakshay Dharan – lCSC/AWARE

Manisha Munjal – lntegral World

lsabella – AWARE