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Event place in situ ou en ligne sur Zoom, Salle 214 - Université Paris 2, 92 rue d'Assas , Paris 75006, France
Les enjeux sociaux, politiques, économiques et culturels suscités par les plateformes numériques sont le plus souvent étudiés à partir des contextes nord-américains ou ouest-européens, beaucoup plus rarement à partir des contextes des pays des Suds. Ces deux demi-journées d’étude, en anglais, ont pour objectif tant d’esquisser un état des travaux dans ce dernier domaine que d’explorer de nouvelles pistes de recherche.
1rst Day – Monday June 28th
14h – 14h45 Introduction – Philippe Bouquillion, Christine Ithurbide and Tristan Mattelart, Some Preliminary Observations on an Emerging Research Field
14h45 – 15h30 Keynote Speech – Nick Couldry et Ulises Mejias, Colonized by Data: Platforms and the Reconfiguration of Social Life for Capital
15h30 – 15h45 Pause
15h45 – 17h15 Session I – The Stakes of Digital Platforms for Industry and Public Policy in the Global South
- Alessandro Jedlowski: The (Un)making of Informational Sovereignty in the South: Screen Media, Politics, and Technological Innovation in Nigeria
- Vibodh Parthasarathi and Simran Agarwal: From Platforms to Platformisation: The Reconfiguration of Social Economies in India
- Rodrigo Gómez García: Challenges of Media Policy in the Age of Platform Imperialism: A View from Latin America
2nd Day – Tuesday June 29th
14h – 15h30 Session II – Behind Digital Platforms, Perspectives from Cultural and Digital Workers
- Alix Bénistant: Cultural Crowdfunding Platforms in Latin America. From the “Creative” Political Agenda to the Strategies of Actors
- Vassili Rivron: Differentiated Access to Platforms: The Artist-Producer in the Reorganization of Musical Sectors in Brazil and Central Africa
- Abdelfettah Benchenna: Relocation of ICT-Related jobs: A Phenomenon at the Crossroads of North / South Relations and Social Classes? A View from Morocco
15h30 – 15h45 Pause
15h45 – 17h15 Session III – Strategies of Transnational Players and Localization Processes
- Luis Albornoz: The Issues Raised by Netflix Strategies in Latin America
- Philippe Bouquillion: The Links between Content Industries and Technical Infrastructures in the Case of Indian Audiovisual Platforms: What Stakes of Hegemony?
- Christine Ithurbide: Digital Platforms Weaving into Local Craft Industry: Learnings from Assam, India
17h15- 17h30 Concluding remarks
In situ ou par Zoom


LABSIC – Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication

Industries Culturelles et Création Artistique